Kelley's Story

I am 21 years old. I got pregnant last December. It was unplanned and totally unexpected.When I first found out that I was pregnant, I couldn't seem to stop shaking. I suddenly felt so cold and alone.You see, my boyfriend and I decided to end our relationship only two days before I got the result.

Fortunately, we were still talking as friends and I had someone to talk to about it. He was shocked to say the least and he asked me what I planned to do about it. I told him that I didn't know and back then, I really didn't. I confided in a friend of mine who had just recently had an abortion and she suggested that I do it because in the long run, it would work out for the best.

For two weeks, I was in a battle with my conscience. I was totally against the abortion procedure because I believe that it is morally wrong, yet I didn't want to carry this child full term because I know that a lot of people would be disappointed in me. In the end, I decided to do the abortion despite my reservations about its morality.

Do I regret making that decision? Well, yes and no!! I feel relieved that it's over and done with but on the other hand, I can't help but wonder what my baby would have been like and what sex it would have been. Doing the calculations on my finger, my baby (if it had lived) would have been born this August or September. If I had to make this decision again, I really don't think that I'll be able to do it; once was hard enough as it is.

Miramar, FL

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