Vanna's Story

I was married and in my 2nd year of graduate school.  I went to the gynecologist for my regular check up and they found a large fibroid tumor in my uterus.  After surgery to remove it, the doctor told me to never take estrogen based birth control again, as it would cause more tumors to grow.  My husband and I opted for condom use and we did pretty well... we used them maybe 90% of the time.  I also tried to follow the "standard days" method of Natural Family Planning.  Well, it didn't quite work out and I found myself 5 weeks pregnant. 

I have never wanted children and never do, so abortion was the best choice.  When I think of the abortion, I feel so grateful and relieved.  The Clinic where I went had volunteers who held umbrellas to cover my face and leaf blowers to drown out the protesters.  I was so thankful for them.  What wonderful people!  I wish I could tell them how much that meant. 

When I think of the protesters, I get so angry.  There were children in the protest group... little girls who are being brainwashed by the extremists into anti-feminist supernatural ideology.  I had the abortion almost 5 years ago... and I am still so grateful.  Every day. 

My husband and I are getting divorced.  I would soon be a single mom of a four year old if I hadn't had the abortion.  After the abortion, I went back on estrogen based birth control.  If the tumors come back, I don't care!  For me personally, tumors are better than babies!


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Find out about hormonal and non-hormonal types of birth control at