Sylvia's Story

I had just turned 15 three months before I found out I was pregnant. I was already going through a bad time in my life. I was in foster care and wanting to be with my family when I found out I was pregnant.

I called my boyfriend who lived an hour away from where I was placed. He broke up with me but not before he told me he cheated me.

I was devastated. I thought what am I going to do. I was afraid to tell my foster parents cuz I don't know them and I was scared so I knew I wanted to be able to do the things I wanted.

I couldn't afford a baby and I also didn't want that baby not to have a dad so I decided I had to get an abortion. When I think about it now I am glad I did it cuz I can be a kid still but I will always think what if I did have that baby who would that baby be but I made the right choice for me.


February 12, 2007

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