*Louise's Story

I have always believed that abortion was a woman's personal decision and not one I had any right to judge. But I honestly could not answer myself as to what I would do if faced with the situation. I don't think any woman really knows what she would do until faced with something so difficult.

I'm 34, and have been separated from my husband for almost a year. I have been in a relationship for several months with a wonderful man. A man who will be my partner for life. I have a 10 year old daughter and he has 2 from previous relationships. We are both professional, educated people. And even though we did use birth control, I have just found out I am pregnant.

After much discussion, we have made the decision to terminate the pregnancy. It was not a decision that either one of us came by with ease. There were hours of talking and tears. But we both know that if I were to have this child at this point in our lives it could cause severe repercussions. Most that even time could not repair. For the first time in my life I understand what every woman who has made this decision feels.

None of this is easy and it will take time to grieve and to heal. But I know that my choice is the right one.

October 1997

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The World Bank's Safe Motherhood Conference in April 1998 reported that possibly as high as 200,000 women die worldwide each year from unsafe abortions. Nearly 600,000 women lose their lives during pregnancy and childbirth each year.

* name changed