Kristen's Story


My name is Kristen. I am 21 years old and I have had two abortions. I had my first one when I was 19. I really should have been more careful with my pills, the second time was not any easier than the first.

I am a college graduate, two days from now, and I find it hard to cope with, that I had a second abortion. I really think that I will make it through, just having two kids now is a scary thought. Next time I get pregnant, I will definitely keep the baby and I know that it will be a planned pregnancy. I just never thought that it would happen to me...again.

Thank you for having such a supportive page. I feel a lot better about myself and my decision.

My prayers are with you,

27 May 1999

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Without abortion providers there is no choice. And without choice women cannot be free to live and plan their lives.