Kim's Story

Though I now have a wonderful healthy son, as I look at his beautiful face I feel guilt. I feel guilty because of the abortion I had 6 years before. I look at my son and think how could I possibly have done what I did? but I know the answer and though I feel this guilt I know in my heart that I made the right decision 6 years ago when the life of his older sibling was given away.

I was not in a place or time in my life that would benefit a child. I hadn't the patience, the money or the resources to raise a child that short time ago and the child would have suffered for it.

I am still married to the man who fathered the child who was not to be and we speak of the abortion and have come to the conclusion that we did the right thing back then even though it hurts both of us. But now we look at our beautiful son and and realize that we are so blessed to have been allowed to provide for and love him. He is more precious to us because of the one who could have been.

23 February 2001

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"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at the sun.' We might not land on the sun, but we would at least get off the ground."
-Zora Neal Hurston