Anna's Story

It has been 2 days since i have had an abortion, unfortunately is was my second one. 

I was 19 in and this time I was 24.  The first time I was so sure it was something i wanted to do, but this time it was much harder.  I was contemplating having it, but I thought, there were so many girls crying in the room and it seemed so horrible.  I guess the best we can do is try to not let it happen again.  I do regret it...of course, but it is something I had to do. 

I am going back to school in a few days and I couldn't even think of having a child.  I wouldn't be able to support and love it the way I really want to, I want to be close to the perfect parent for my children and at this time I wouldn't be able to do so.

So just a word of advice, if it is something you have to do and you know you wouldn't be able to give your child a good future protect yourself so that either way (before or after birth) the child will not suffer.  I can't wait to be a fit mother.


Februrary 9, 2007

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