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Abortion Non-Fiction

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In Association with
  • Abortion Counseling: A Clinician’s Guide to Psychology, Legislation, Politics, and Competency by Rachel Needle, PsyD and Lenore Walker, EdD. This unique resource for psychotherapists and counselors takes a look at the political and psychological possibilities and necessity for abortion counselingThis unique resource for psychotherapists and counselors takes a look at the political and psychological possibilities and necessity for abortion counseling. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A Difficult Decision: A Compassionate Book About Abortion by Joy Gardner. Published by The Crossing Press. Strikes a nice balance between straightforward medical info and emotional and spiritual concerns. The perspective is holistic and pro-woman. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A Question of Choice by Sarah Weddington. 1992. This book outlines the whole story of Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal nationwide in 1973. Sarah Weddington is the attorney who brought the case on behalf of Jane Roe in Texas. Sarah, who grew up in a small Texas town, the daughter of a minister, argued this case at age 26. A Question of Choice tells the behind the scenes story about this famous case. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A Woman's Book of Choices: Abortion, Menstrual Extraction, RU-496.  1992. Becky Chalker and Carol Downer. Written before election day in 1992, this book is the only place where Menstrual Extraction is explained in detail, complete with a list of components for the easy-to-make Del-M device. Seven Stories Press.

  • Abortion a Positive Decision by Patricia Lunneborg. 1992. This book documents numerous positive results women have experienced based upon their decision in favor of abortion. Lunneborg finds that abortion is moral, life-enhancing, supportive to families, and beneficial to the lives of millions of women. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Abortion and a Woman's Choice by Rosalind Petchesky. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Abortion and Common Sense by Ruth Dixon-Mueller PhD and Paul K.B. Dagg MD. (2002)

  • Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood by Kristin Luker. 1984. U of Cal Press. Many of her socio-economic observations are true today as they were in 1984. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Abortion at Work: Feminist Practice and Ideology in a Feminist Clinic by Wendy Simons. Rutgers University Press, 1996. Wendy Simons looks inside a feminist abortion clinic in Atlanta and describing how feminist politics and activism intersect with hands on abortion care. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Abortion Dilemma: Personal Views on a Public Issue by Miriam Claire. 1995. Weaving together international and multi-denominational views, the author creates a path of learning, compassion and understanding to help a persona define how they feel about abortion. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Abortion In Law, History and Religion, published by the Childbirth by Choice Trust, describes the status of abortion in most countries of the world, and explains every major religion's view of abortion. Very thorough. updated 1995. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Abortion Politics: Public Policy in Cross-Cultural Perspective by Marianne Githens and Dorothy McBride Stetson, eds. 1996. Routledge Publishers, NY NY. Is what it says it is. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Abortion Resource Handbook by K. Kaufman. 1997. Simon and Schuster. A valuable resource to women throughout the U.S. In paperback, at $11, affordable! A very readable review of everything women need to know about informed consent and parental consent laws (including a listing of state laws), taking care of oneself during an unwanted pregnancy, finding clinics and avoiding fake clinics, and emergency birth control, and medical abortion. Honest, reliable information. NEW. More about the book.

  • Abortion: Understanding Differences edited by the Drs Dan and Sidney Callahan, directors of the Hastings Institute. A series of ten essays by both sides with each essay critiqued by someone of the other side. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Abortionist: A Woman Against the Law by Rickie Sollinger. A fascinating history of the life and times of a woman braving the legal system to provide desperately needed health care for women. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Abortion Myth: Feminism, Morality, and the Hard Choices Women Make by Leslie Cannon. 2000. Interviews with Australian women about their feelings of connection to the fetus they abortion and the difference between their feelings and the political arguments they hear in the world. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Ambivalence of Abortion by Linda Bird Franke, New York: Random House, 1977. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Anti-Abortion Movement and the Rise of the Religious Right by Dallas Blanchard. Professor Blanchard teaches in Pensacola, FL, a part of the country that has seen an enormous rise in anti-abortion violence including the shooting murders of Dr. David Gunn, Dr. John Bayard Britton and clinic escort James Barrett. His book examines the anti-abortion movement from 1973 to 1993. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Anti-Abortion Movement: References and Resources by Dallas A. Blanchard. NY: GK Hall Reference, 1996. Everything you ever wanted to know about who's who and what they're up to. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • At the Crossroads by Frankie Schelly. FireSign Exclusives, 2001. Four contemporary nuns facing feminist issues abortion, forbidden romance, the right to die, and donating eggs to an infertile couple. The main character Vivian had a secret teenage abortion before entering the convent. Now a young woman in the same predicament requests her help. Order the book.

  • Beggars and Choosers: How the Politics of Choice Shapes Adoption, Abortion and Welfare in the United States, by Rickie Solinger. 2001. Hill & Wang. In the years leading up to the landmark Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973, Solinger notes, many advocates of abortion used the term "rights" to define their political mission. But as the 1970s wore on, a new discourse took root in the reproductive rights movement - a discourse in which "choice" supplanted "rights." Solinger endeavors to show how that shift occurred, and why it was a disastrous mistake. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Billions and Billions by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, his wife. 1997. Devotes chapter (XV) to  abortion which was published first in Parade magazine as 'The Question of Abortion: A Search for Answers,' April 22, 1990. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Birth or Abortion? Private Struggles in a Political World by Kate Maloy and Maggie Patterson. Published by Plenum, 1992. It is a compilation and analysis of stories of 100 women and couples, from the 1930s to the late 1980s, who had to decide about unplanned or medically complicated pregnancies. The authors discovered that the language of politics bore almost no relation to the terms people used about private experience. Nearly everyone faced with a decision about a pregnancy considered her options in the same terms, regardless of the outcome. Women asked the same questions in order to make their decisions, and the outcome depended on their answers to those questions. The questions all had to do with resources---physical, financial, emotional, psychological---and with relationships. How would a pregnancy affect the women's existing resources and relationships? This book is profoundly pro-choice, but not for the usual, politically expressed reasons. It's ultimate message is that women are in fact more united than political factions (they rarely judge other women's decisions, even when different from their own). Connected to this is the idea that for women to have full choice, they must be as free to go ahead with a pregnancy as to end it. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Bitter Fruit. Rita Townsend, Alameda: Hunter House, 1991. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Breaking the Abortion Deadlock: From Choice to Consent by Eileen McDonagh. 1997. Oxford University Press. Introduces a new dialogue, and a new vocabulary that moves beyond pro-life and pro-choice to abortion rights framed as pro-consent. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The W Effect - Bush's War on Women edited by Laura Flanders. 2004. The Feminist Press. 212-817-7920. How women are affected by the policymaking of the Bush Administration.

  • Controlling Our Reproductive Destiny: A Technological and Philosophical Perspective by Lawrence T. Kaplan and Rosemarie Tong. MIT Press, 1996. Deals with technical and philosophical aspects of such topics as in vitro fertilization. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Divided Passions: Public Opinions on Abortion and the Death Penalty by Kimberly J. Cook. 1998. Based on in-depth interviews interwoven with   statistics. Probes the cultural forces underlying the apparent paradox of opposition to abortion and support for the death penalty. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Doctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Provide Abortion Before and After Roe v Wade by Carol Joffee. Beacon Press, 1995. Joffee traces the ways mainstream medicine has marginalized abortion resulting in a loss of access to abortion services for the public. Joffee interviews 45 physicians who provide abortions to learn what motivates them. Doctors of Conscience offers a window on the courage of those doctors who work today to insure safe abortions despite very real threats to their professional standing, and personal safety. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy by Frederick Clarkson. Published by Common Courage Press, 1997. Generally about the politics and strategy of the Christian Right. One chapter titled "Bombings, Assassinations, and Theocratic Revolution" is mostly about anti-choice violence. There are also chapters devoted to the surprisingly central role of the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon in American politics, and the emerging and wildly significant Christian men's organization, the Promise Keepers.  In sum, this is a review of the effort to establish a theocracy in the U.S. Clarkson considers this effort in a context of ongoing struggle throughout the history of our country. The book opens with the assassination of Dr. John Britton, and includes reproductive rights as a key issue within the larger struggle. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Experiencing Abortion: A Weaving of Women's Words by Eve Kushner. Haworth Press. 1997. Focuses on women's post-abortion feelings and experiences. Offers women of wide range of race/ethnic, religious, age, number of abortions backgrounds, a place to turn for support and understanding. The most important debate on abortion is not taking place on television. It takes place every day in the hearts and minds of women facing unintended pregnancy. Shows the healing and empowerment that can come from women facing their experience, understanding it and sharing it with others. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Eve's Herbs: A History of Contraception and Abortion in the West by John M. Riddle. 1997. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. A highly informative presentation of the history of the use of plant products, such as ergot, as abortion agents. For millennia, midwives administered herbal medicines to pregnant women and pregnant women medicated themselves with substances thought to be useful as abortion agents. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Facts of Life: Science and the Abortion Controversy by Harold J. Morowitz and James S. Trefil. 1992. Explains what is known about embryonic and fetal development, at a level accessible to non-experts. They ask the question "when is human-ness attained" - demystifying the magical "life begins at conception," but very rationally discussing what the stages of development really are (one chapter debunks the Silent Scream). Thoughtfully pro-choice says an instructor who uses it in college-level classes. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • From Abortion to Reproductive Freedom, Transforming a Movement edited by Marlene Gerber Fried. This anthology argues for an expansion of the single-issue abortion-rights movement into multi-cultural feminist movement. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Fruitful: A Real Mother in the Modern World by Anne Roiphe. 1997. What Roiphe has to say about abortion, and what she has to say about having and raising children, are too important to be missed. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Healing Choice: Your Guide to Emotional Recovery After an Abortion by Candace DePuy and Dana Dovitch. 1997. Simon & Schuster. Millions of women experience normal and natural feelings after an abortion - like after a miscarriage, adoption, with menopause or infertility. These are not "post abortion syndrome." [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • If Men Got Pregnant, Abortion Would be a Sacrament! by Tesseract Publications.

  • The Imaginary Domain by Drucilla Cornell - Advances the argument that bodily integrity is one of the 3 foundations for the formation of personhood; that the fetus is part of the woman's body, not a separate entity. Makes stark the male imagining of woman's body as a container and abnegation of the person herself. Cornell examines feminist theory from the point of view of abortion and pornography. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Legal but Out of Reach by the National Network of Abortion Funds. 1995. Stories about real women's search for abortion services and funds to pay for them. [Also in Spanish.] Available here for $5.

  • Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan by William LaFleur. Princeton University Press, 1992. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Men and Abortion by Arthur Shostak, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1984. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Negotiating Reproductive Rights: Women's Perspectives across Countries and Cultures. Edited by Rosalind Petchesky and Karen Judd. Published by Zed Books (New York and London). paperback. Ros Petchesky is also the author of the feminist classic on abortion, Abortion and Women's Choice. This book reports on an extraordinary cross-national research team that studied sexuality, abortion, bc, and related issues in seven countries: Brazil, Egypt, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, and the US. Excellent intro and ending chapter that gives these cross-national comparisons some context ... highly recommended for those who want to compare our struggles in the US for reproductive freedom with the situation in developing world. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The New Civil War: The Psychology, Culture, and Politics of Abortion. Edited by Linda J. Beckman, PhD and S. Marie Harvey. 1998. Published by American Psychological Association. Examines the sociopolitical, cultural, and psychological contexts of abortion. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Our Bodies, Our Selves (NEW - for the New Century) by the Boston Women's Health Book Collective.

  • Our Heartbreaking Choices by Christie Brooks - book and website devoted to 46 women telling their personal stories of ending wanted pregnancies mid-way due to medical complications.

  • Our Right to Choose by Beverly Harrison.[buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Peace After Abortion by Ava Torre-Bueno. Pimpernel Press, San Diego, CA, 1996. A well written, practical and compassionate book, designed to help women who are troubled after an abortion, to deal with their feelings. It will also be an invaluable aid to health care professionals who may be working with these women, and to anyone interested in a self-help approach to issues of guilt, depression, and shame. Ava Torre-Bueno, LCSW, is a psychotherapist in private practice. Peace After Abortion (the website).

  • The Politics of Pregnancy edited by Janna C. Merrick and Robert H. Blank. 1993. This book is the result of a symposium. It illustrates the extreme complexity of ethical and public policy dilemmas in the maternal-fetal relationship in an era of changing technology. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Pregnant? Need Help? Pregnancy Options Workbook is designed for women who are unsure, or troubled, or can't decide. It covers all three choices - parenting, abortion, and adoption even-handedly, and focuses on emotional tools to get clear about how she feels and what her support network is. Contact Peg J. (607) 785-3429  $3 postage paid in advance. Send to Ferre Institute, 124 Front St., Binghamton, NY 13905. Fax (607) 724-8290.

  • A Private Matter: RU-486 and the Abortion Crisis by Lawrence Lader of Abortion Rights Mobilization. Discusses making getting RU-486 available in the USA.[buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Religious Violence and Abortion by Dallas Blanchard and Prewitt.[buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Republican War Against Women by Tanya Melich. Bantam, 1996. A life-long Republican and feminist, Tanya describes what the US Republican Party really thinks of women and how it uses women candidates. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service. by Laura Kaplan. Pantheon Books, 1996. Jane was established in the 1960's before abortion was legalized. In the earliest years, women connected other women with safe abortion providers. As the underground flourished, Jane discovered they knew as much about safe abortions as anyone, so they learned to perform abortions. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor. by Susan Wicklund MD. Public Affairs. 2007. Describes her work, the circumstances that lead her patients to choose abortion, and the barriers lack of money, lack of providers, violence in the home or protesters at clinics that stand in their way.

  • Undivided Rights : Women of Color Organize for Reproductive Justice by Jael Silliman, Loretta Ross, Elena Gutiérrez, and Marlene Gerber Fried. 2004. South End Press. Vibrant and fierce, Undivided Rights presents a fresh, textured understanding of the reproductive rights movement by placing the experiences, priorities, and activism of women of color in the foreground. This rare book captures the evolving and largely unreported history of women of color organizing themselves in their struggle for reproductive justice.

  • The War on Choice by Gloria Feldt, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 2004

  • What if Roe Fell? from the Center for Reproductive Rights. State by state analysis of what would happen if Roe v Wade got overturned by the Supreme Court? Download the report for free.

  • When Abortion Was a Crime: Women, Medicine and Law in the United States, 1867-1973 by Leslie J. Reagan. 1997. University of California Press, Berkeley. Explains the changing cultural and legal climate regarding abortion in America from about the end of the Civil War, when the law ignored abortion before quickening (occurring usually during the fourth month of pregnancy), until Roe v. Wade, when it was legalized. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Why I Am An Abortion Doctor by Suzanne T. Poppema. Prometheus Books, 1996. The title tells it all, Dr. Poppema, who practices in Seattle, inspires us with her reasons for performing abortions and why she won't quit. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Young Women's Voices by the Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program at Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts. 1993. In their own words, a collection of writings documenting personal stories, struggles, fears, anger and the fight for reproductive rights. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]


Women's Health Books

To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • A New View of a Woman's Body by the Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers. Written in 1982. Fabulously illustrated by Susann Gage. Contains the complete redefinition of the clitoris. Available here via this FWHC website.
  • A Positive Life; Portraits of Women Living With HIV by River Huston. 1997.

  • All Women Are Healers: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Healing by Diane Stein. A tour of healing techniques including nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, flower remedies, Reiki, accupressure, reflexology, pendulums, kinesiology, crystals, and gem elixirs. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer by W. John Diamond, MD and W. Lee Cowden, MD with Burton Goldberg. 1997. Future Medicine Publishing. How cancer can be reversed and prevented. Explains origin cancer. Chapters on breast and uterine/ovarian cancer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Alternative Medicine: What Works by Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD. Odonian Press. 1996. A review of 14 types of treatment from acupuncture to herbs to ayurveda to homeopathy. Easily accessible to readers without scientific backgrounds, each chapter explains an alternative therapy. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Alternatives for Women with Endometriosis: A Guide by Women for Women edited by Ruth Carol. 1994. Covers all major alternative therapies and shares women's experiences. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Aromatheray for Women by Maggie Tisserand. A practical guide to the use of essential oils for yeast infection, cystitis, dandruff, hangovers, jetlag and more. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • At Your Fingertips: The Care & Maintenance of a Vagina published by Hysteria Magazine (now out of print). 1994. Collection of humorous essays on the mysterious vagina. Includes self exam and self help technique and philosophy. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Birth Control Handbook. Published by the Montreal Health Press. (Canada) updated 1999. Everything about every method of birth control. Easy to use information. In English or French. 877-282-1171 (toll free) , 514-282-1171

  • The Black Woman's Health Book: Speaking for Ourselves by Evelyn White. Collection of essays from more than 40 contributors discussing many aspects of health. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. About Curanderismo. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Body and Soul by Linda Villarosa. Published by the National Black Women's Health Project. 1994. A great self-help book specifically written to address Black women's health concerns. Organized into six sections: bodies, reproduction, emotional well-being, loving, health care, keeping safe in a hostile world. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Breast Cancer: Poisons, Profits, and Prevention by Liane Clorfene-Casten. Reveals the links between the companies who produce toxic chemicals, their support for breast cancer organizations, and their profits from other chemicals they also produce for cancer therapies. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Cancer as a Woman's Issue: Scratching the Surface by Midge Stocker. 20 essays by women affected by cancer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Candida Albicans: Could Yeast be your Problem? by Leon Chaitow. How to detect and treat systemic yeast with no-drug treatments. Is yeast causing you depression, cystitis, anxiety, bloatedness, or acne? [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Changing Bodies, Changing Lives by Boston Women's Health Book Collective. 1980. This book is a book about sex and relationships for teenagers. It promotes high self esteem and understanding of our bodies. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Clitoral Truth: Women Transform Male-centered Sexuality by Rebecca Chalker. Published by Seven Stories Press, 2000.

  • The Women's Comfort Book by Jennifer Louden. Natural remedies for common discomforts and ailments. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A Complete Handbook of Natural Healing by Marcia Stark. Easy to read overview of natural medicine in clear concise language. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Creating Breast Health: A Holistic Approach to Breast Wellness Based on New Research, Nutrition and Self-Knowing by Christiane Northrup, MD (audio book). [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Deadly Persuasion: Why Women and Girls Must Fight the Addictive Power of Advertising. 2000- by Jean Kilbourne, maker of the video, "Killing Us Softly" in 1979 and an update "Still Killing Us Softly" in 1987, with the 3rd version also out in 2000, "Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising's Image of Women."

  • Endometriosis Answer Book: New Hope New Help by Niels H. Lauersen and Constance Swaan. Clear explanations of the symptoms and possible causes. Advice includes alternative and traditional treatments, and argues against hysterectomy. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Endometriosis, One Woman's Journey by Jennifer Lewis. 1998. The author has suffered from this disease for over 11 years, at age 29 had 10 surgeries including a total hysterectomy at age 26. She has become an avid advocate for women's health issues.

  • Estrogen: The Natural Way by Nina Shandler. Villard Books. 1997. All about phytoestrogens, including 250 recipes.[buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Fat - A Fate Worse Than Death? Women, Weight and Appearance by Ruth Raymond Thone. Haworth Press. 1997. Despite the gains of the women's movement, women are still judged by what they look like - and men, by what they do. If you are interested in stopping dieting and concentrating on who you are on a deeper level, this book will show you how to accept, appreciate, and love your body. Includes 100 ways to fight lookism, racism, sexism, ageism. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Femalia by Joanne Blank and Tee Corrine. 32 full color photos show healthy and beautiful women's genitals, reflecting a group of women diverse in age, race, ethnicity and childbearing status. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • For Women Only: Your Guide to Health Empowerment by Barbara Seaman and Gary Null - includes a long section on the history and revolutionary significance of self-help gynecology. In Excellent value in soft-cover, priced at about $20 bucks. Published by Seven Stories Press, 2001. (see contents) (about Barbara Seaman)

  • Forged by the Knife: the Experience of Surgical Residency by a Woman of Color by Dr. Patricia Dawson. 1999. "This is an insightful look into the making of Black female surgeons and the long, rigorous hours of surgical residency ... (you) can feel the pain, isolation and loneliness of being excluded - while still having to bear the responsibility of making life-and-death decisions, with someone watching over your shoulder," observed Dr. Joycelyn Edlers, former Surgeon General of the United States. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Free and Female by Barbara Seaman. Out of Print 1972.

  • From Diapers to Dating: A Parent's Guide to Raising Sexually Healthy Children by Debra Haffner, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States -- the trick of sexuality education is to do it little by little, to find teachable moments.

  • The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy -- Naturally -- and to Gauge your Reproductive Health by Katie Singer. This book, published in 2004, describes the changes a woman experiences throughout the menstrual cycle; how to chart your fertility signals (the waking temperature and cervical fluid); how to determine, by fertility charts, when you are fertile and not fertile; how to practice natural birth control that is virtually as effective as the Pill; and when to time intercourse if you want to conceive. It explains how to identify, by your fertility charts, whether you're ovulating, indicating a propensity for thyroid problems, poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, or miscarriage. It tells how to establish and identify unambiguous infertility while breastfeeding, and how to identify that ovulatory cycles are resuming. See and includes several articles about Fertility Awareness, photos showing the changes the cervix goes through during a menstrual cycle unless a woman's on the Pill, fertility charts that can be downloaded at no charge, and more.

  • Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Judith Levine. 2000. Foreword by Dr. Joycelyn M. Elders. A radical, refreshing, and long overdue reassessment of how we think and act about children's and teens' sexuality. Read a review.

  • Healing Wise: The 2nd Wise Woman Herbal by Susun Weed. In-depth look at 7 common herbs and how women can use them in their lives.

  • Her Own Medicine: A Woman's Journey from Student to Doctor by Sayantani DasGupta. 2000. About her experiences of sexism in today's medical school. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Herbal Healing for Women by Rosemary Gladstar. A comprehensive guide to herbs and creating salves, teas, tinctures, etc. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • HIV, Health and Your Community: a guide for action takes a grass-roots approach to preventing the spread of HIV. It emphasizes prevention, is designed for disadvantaged communities, and is liberally illustrated. All the authors' proceeds are donated to community-based AIDS organizations.

  • Homenaje a Nuestras Curanderas / Honoring Our Healers by Luz Alvarez. 1997. Latina Press. (Available for $15, plus $3.50) from PO Box 7567, Oakland, CA 94601) By and about indigenous Latina healers. Designed to lay-flat, this ring bound book is a work of art with beautiful papercuts, photos, drawings and all text in both Spanish and English.

  • Hunger Pains: The Modern Woman's Tragic Quest for Thinness. by Mary Pipher. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Hygieia: A Woman's Herbal by Jeannine Parvati Baker. Interweaves ancient practice of herbalism with new woman's consciousness and holistic health. Encyclopedia interwoven with personal stories and poems. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Hysterectomy Hoax by Stanley West and Paula Dranov. 1994. Explains why most hysterectomies are unnecessary. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • It's Not All in Your Head by Susan Swedo, MD and Henrietta Leonard, MD, MS. Harper. Recognizing the mind/body connection, this book discusses common mental illnesses and conditions that affect women and are connected to society's expectations of women. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Killing the Black Body by Dorothy Roberts [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Lesbian Health Book: Caring for Ourselves by Jocelyn White and Marissa C. Martinez. Seal Press. 1997. Health information with a feminist  political and historical analysis. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment by Sandra Steingraber. The title tells all, especially as it relates to cancer of the reproductive systems. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause, Me and You: The Sound of Women Pausing by Ann M. Vooda, RN, PhD. Haworth Press. 1997. Menopause as a normal and natural developmental process in the lives of women, not a disorder, not a disease needing treatment. A personal memoir woven into a scholarly work. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause Naturally: Preparing for the Second Half of Life by Sadja Greenwood. Volcano Press, 1996. Exciting new discoveries about soybeans, the complete source of protein, and menopausal health. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menstrual Cramps by Susan M. Lark, MD. 1993. This book helps you analyze factors affecting your menstrual cycle and offers a wide variety of self help and medical options for treatments including vitamins, minerals, yoga, herbs, exercises, etc. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Midwifery and Childbirth in America by Judith Pence Rooks. Published by Temple University Press. 1997 [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert, PhD - she explains where health research money comes from, what gets funded, and about the bias against women as research subjects. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Montreal Health Press - publishes 4 handbooks on Birth Control, STDs, Sexual Assault, and Menopause in English or French. 

  • The New Our Bodies, Ourselves by the Boston Women's Health Book Collective. 1984. Extensive self help information for every woman in every phase of her life.

  • New Menopausal Years: the Wise Woman Way by Susun Weed. Nutritional, herbal, and ritual ideas for healthier transition years.

  • A Not Entirely Benign Procedure: Four Years as a Medical Student. By Perri Klass. G.P. Putnam's, 1987 Klass, a writer and pediatrician, describes her experiences as a medical student. Along the way, she explains how doctors learn to view pregnancy and childbirth as dangerous pathological events, rather than as natural processes, to value emotional detachment from patients, and to expect patients to accept their orders meekly. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Nutrition Detective by Nan Fuchs. Excellent resource tying symptoms to nutritional deficits and excesses. Covers PMS and other hormonally influenced symptoms. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • One-Eyed Science: Occupational Health and Women Workers By Karen Messing. Temple University Press, 1998. Details the dangers inherent in "women's" work, from carcinogenic chemicals used in factories to repetitive stress syndrome among typists. Most importantly, explains why these dangers are rarely recognized by employers, lawyers, scientists, or government regulators, and how this willful ignorance reflects a broader tendency to discount women's health issues. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Ordinary Life by Kathleyn Conway. About women and cancer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Osteoporosis: My High Calcium, Low Cholesterol Diet by Rosemary C. Fisher. Published by Warren H. Green, Inc. Rosemary reversed her own osteoporosis by diet and exercise. Her books give the recipes and instructions.

  • Ourselves Growing Older by the Boston Women's Health Book Collective. 1987. A complete health and living handbook for midlife and older women. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Outrageous Practices - describes medicine's bias against women, lack of inclusion of women in clinical research.[buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Patient No More: The Politics of Breast Cancer by Sharon Batt. 1994. The politics behind research and treatment options - in very human terms. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Recipes and Research on Dementia, Hearth Disease, Osteoporosis, and Cancer by Rosemary C. Fisher. Published by Warren H. Green, Inc. Reduce the effects of these diseases with diet.

  • Recipes and Research on Osteoporosis,, Hearth Disease, and Cancer by Rosemary C. Fisher. Published by Warren H. Green, Inc. Shows how eating low fat plus essential vitamins and minerals can reverse disease. Proven by her own and her husband's health changes.

  • Recreating Motherhood by Barbara Katz Rothman. A great commentary on issues of technological advances and the implications for both the child and the mother. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • ¡SALUD!: A Latina's Guide to Total Health - Body, Mind. and Spirit (HarperPerennial/ HarperLibros; October 1997; $20.00), available in both English and Spanish. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Seeing the Crab by Christina Middlebrook. about women and cancer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Sexual Assault. Published by the Montreal Health Press. (Canada) updated 1999. A guide to dealing with sexual assault as a private and personal experience and an examination of the social context in which it occurs. 877-282-1171 (toll free) , 514-282-1171

  • STD Handbook. Published by the Montreal Health Press. (Canada) updated 1999. Everything about every sexually transmitted disease including HIV. In English or French. 877-282-1171 (toll free) , 514-282-1171

  • Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement by Toni Weschler. HarperCollins. 1995. Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) relies on three indicators of fertility. This book teaches them in detail. Natural family planning is achievable with this knowledge and practice. more about it from

  • The Technology of Orgasm; "Hysteria," the Vibrator & Women's Sexual Satisfaction by Rachel P. Maines. Published by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Dec. 1998 [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • To Dance with the Devil: The New War on Breast Cancer by Karen Stabiner. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]
  • The Vulvodynia Survival Guide

  • Walking Out on the Boys. By Frances K. Conley. Published by Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1998. Conley, the first female full professor of neurosurgery in the U.S., describes in this memoir the shocking discrimination still encountered by women in surgical training and practice. A real eye-opener. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Waist-High in the World: Life among the Nondisabled by Nancy Mairs. Beacon Press, 1998. One of the best essayists in the country describes the frustration, pain, and occasional humor and rewards of living with multiple sclerosis. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • What's Happening to My Body? A Book for Girls by Linda Madaras. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susun Weed. Herbal guide for pregnancy, birth, post-partum. Popular with midwives.

  • Witches Heal: Lesbian Herbal Self-Sufficiency by Billie Potts. Reclaiming the knowledge of our foremothers. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Whole Lesbian Sex Book A Passionate Guide For All of Us by Felice Newman - The first truly comprehensive sex guide for all women who desire women-covers all aspects of lesbian sex. Whether you are lesbian, bisexual, butch, femme, androgynous, or transgendered-and even if you have only just discovered that you want to have sex with a woman.

  • Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier, Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times science writer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A Woman's Book of Yoga: A Journal for Health and Self Discovery by Louise Taylor. Step by step instruction manual, includes journal pages to record physical and spiritual progress. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A Woman's Decision by Karen Berger and John Bostwick. 1994. An informative look at breast cancer, self exam and prevention, mastectomies and reconstructive surgery. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women, Aids, and Activism by Act Up/NY Women and AIDS Book Group. Available in Spanish or English. [LaMujer, el SIDA y Activismo] A thorough analysis of AIDS issues for all women: intravenous drug users, heterosexuals, bisexuals, lesbians, prostitutes, teens, pregnant women, and prisoners. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women and Aids: Negotiating Safer Practices, Care and Representation by Nancy L. Roth, PhD. Haworth Press. 1997.  Negotiating safer sex practices is a very complex issue for women who are involved in relationships where they do not have physical, social or economic equality. In addition to personal relationships, the book includes negotiating the health care system as patients, medical research subjects and care-givers. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women and Pain: Why It Hurts and What You Can Do by Dr. Mark Allen Young. Hyperion. 2001. Many common pain relievers do less for women than for men. This book explains why and offers alternatives.

  • Women that Glow in the Dark: curanderismo and the Healing Process by Elena Avila. Eleana Avila, RN, MSN, Curandera, is a first generation Chicana born in El Paso, TX, where her family brought their medicine from Mexico. After obtaining her degrees in nursing and mental health, in 1974 she began her research into Curanderismo and gradually incorporated native folk healing into her work as a nurse. This is the first book ever written by a practitioner of Cranderismo. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing by Christine Northrup. 1994. Central to a new vision of health and wellness is trust in our inner knowledge, that our bodies are our allies and they will point in the direction we need to go. Explores the connection between physical illness and emotional suffering. Covers patriarchal myth and addictive systems, feminine intelligence and a new mode of healing, inner guidance, the female energy system. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women's Cancers: How to Prevent Them, How to Treat Them, How to Beat Them by Kerry McGinn, RN and Pamela Haylock, RN. From cell-level descriptions of cancer to overviews of the physical and psychological responses to cancer, this book covers breast, pelvic, ovarian, uterine,and rare gynecological cancers. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women's Health Care: A Guide to Alternatives by Kay Weiss. 1984. A wide range of natural self help therapies for wide range of life circumstances such as pregnancy, birth control, vaginal infections, menopause, herbal options. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Women's Wheel of Life: 13 Archetypes of Woman at her Fullest Power by Carol Leonard and Elizabeth Davis. 1996. Viking Arkana Press. Filled with ritual and meaning about the stages of women's lives. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]



To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • America's Women: Four Hundred Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates and Heroines by Gail Collins, the first female head of The New York Times editorial board. book/author review

  • An Intricate Weave: Women Write About Girls and Girlhood. Edited by Marlene Miller. 1997. Published by Iris Editions. Anthology of 67 authors reveals the importance of girls' experiences. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]
  • An Old Soul with a Young Spirit: Poetry in the Era of Desegregation Recovery. Poems by Antronette Yancey, Art by Todd Berrien. Published by Imhotep Publishing. 1998. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Believing in Ourselves: The Wisdom of Women. by Madame De Steal, 1992. Ariel Books [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Black, White, and Jewish : Autobiography of a Shifting Self by Rebecca Walker. December 2000.

  • Cybergrrl: A Woman's Guide to the World Wide Web

  • The Chalice and the Blade by Riane Eisler. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Clitoral Truth: The Secret World at Your Fingertips by Rebecca Chalker. To be published by Seven Stories Press. BUY IT HERE.

  • Daughters of the Moon, Sisters of the Sun: Young Women & Mentors on the Transition to Womanhood by K. Wind Hughes and Linda Wolf. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Facing the Wrath: Confronting the Right in Dangerous Times by Sara Diamond. 1996. Common Courage Press, Monroe Maine. Sara Diamond is one of the country's foremost authorities on the Christian Right and the other right-wing movements. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Feminist Dollar: The Wise Woman's Buying Guide by Phyllis A. Katz and Margaret Katz. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Fruitful: A Real Mother in the Modern World by Anne Roiphe. 1997. What Roiphe has to say about abortion, and what she has to say about having and raising children, are too important to be missed. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Futures of Women: Scenarios for the 21st Century by Pamela McCorduck and Nancy Ramsey. Published by: Addison Wesley. 1998. Those who can't envision the future may be doomed--or, less likely, delighted--to live through it, say Pamela McCorduck and Nancy Ramsey, co-authors of "The Futures of Women." Catapulting just two decades ahead, the creative duo use some science and a lot of art to project four different fates for women around the globe. One vision has women basking in a golden age of equality and opportunity. Another shoves women to the bottom of the heap as country after country unleashes a nightmarish backlash to squash gains in women's rights. A third scenario has international women's organizations scrambling to hold the line on basic gains in better nutrition, workplace safety, and domestic violence prevention. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Generations: A Century of Women Speak About Their Lives by Myriam Miedzian and Alisa Malinovich. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Girls We Were: The Women We Learn to Be, Lynn Mikel Brown and Carol Gilligan (1990), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism by Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards - they have traveled the world getting involved and making a difference. Includes profiles of everyday women who made change happen. (2005)

  • The Great Cosmic Mother by Monica Sjoo. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Ground Zero: The Gender Wars in the Military by Linda Bird Francke. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A History of Women in America by Carol Hymowitz and Micahaele Weissman, 1978, by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Homeless One: A Poem In Many Voices by Esther Altshul Helfgott. Published by KotaPress in Seattle, WA. 2000. This poetic-docudrama gives an honest and touching look at homelessness and mental illness. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Ladies of Seneca Falls: The Birth of the Woman's Rights Movement, by Miriam Gurko. New York, Shocken Books, 1974. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Listen To Me Good: The Life Story of an Alabama Midwife by Margaret Charles Smith and Linda Janet Holmes. Ohio State University Press. "Captures the history of an individual midwife and the ways in which her experience reflects the Black female experience in Greene County, Alabama and similar communities." [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Listen Up: Voices from the Next Feminist Generation by Barbara Findlen [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Maimie Papers: Letters from an Ex-Prostitute by Maimie Pinzer with Ruth Rosen and Sue Davidson, editors. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future by Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards. 2001 [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Mayhem: Violence as Public Entertainment by Sissela Bok. 1999. A study of the long-term effects of media violence against women, children, and in general. Addison-Wesley Publishers. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Meeting at the Crossroads: Women's Psychology and Girls' Development. Lyn Mikel Brown and Carol Gilligan (1992), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Pigeonholing Women's Misery: A History and Critical Analysis of the Psychodiagnosis of Women in the Twentieth Century by Hannah Lerman, Ph.D, published by Basic Books/Harper Collins. 1996. Available form the author for $12.

  • Pride and Joy: The Lives and Passions of Women Without Children, by Terri Casey. 1998. Collection of interviews with 25 women who have chosen not to have children. In lively stories and vivid voices, these diverse narrators talk proudly of their contributions to their communities, causes, and families, and they speak joyfully of intimate relationships with husbands and partners, of family and friends, work, volunteer and leisure activities, solitude, and connections with children. Their stories dispel the social myth that women must have a child to be happy, and they debunk the stereotypes of childless women.

  • Prisoners of Ritual by Hanny Lightfoot-Klein. Psychological, sociological, historical, religious, and legal aspects of female genital mutilation in Africa. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Race, Gender, and Work, A Multicultural Economic History of Women in the US by Theresa Amott and Julie Matthaei. (newly revised) A comprehensive analysis of the lives of working women - of all ethnic heritages - highlighting racial-ethnic and class hierarchies and their impact on women's lives. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Rape Poems by Frances Driscoll, 1998 - a narrative sequence exploring the rape and its aftermath. The last poem in the collection, Island Of The Raped Women is a Pushcart Prize winner.

  • Recreating Motherhood by Barbara Katz Rothman. It's out of print now, but I'm sure you could find it in a library.

  • The Republican War Against Women: An Insider's Report from Behind the Lines by Tanya Melich. A stunning expose of the politics of intolerance. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States by Sara Diamond. 1995, Guilford Press. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Rolling Stone Book of Women in Rock by Barbara O'Dair, editor. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism by Rebecca Walker. 1995

  • The Single Woman: A Discursive Investigation - by Jill Reynolds - The increase in numbers of single people has been described as one of the greatest social phenomena of western society. Most women will spend periods of their lives alone, without a committed partner relationship. 2008. Published by Routledge.

  • Sisters of the Yam, Black Women and Self-Recovery by bell hooks. Puts women's experiences into a political context. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right by Sara Diamond 1989. South End Press. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Suffragettes to She-Devils: Women's Liberation and Beyond by Liz McQuiston. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Talking Back, Thinking Feminist, Talking Black by bell hooks. 23 of bell hooks' angry, intelligent, critical, and compelling essays on numerous subjects. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Wake Up Little Suzie: Single Pregnancy and Race Before Roe v Wade by Rickie Sollinger. Illuminates the separate and different experiences of white and black unwed mothers after World War Two. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women of Courage by Catherine Martin, Portland, OR. 1999. New World Library. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women’s Best Friendships: Beyond Betty, Veronica, Thelma, and Louise by Patricia Rind, PhD, Rye Brook, New York

  • Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice and Mind. Marly Belenky, Blythe Clinchy, Nancy Goldberger and Jill Torule (1986), Basic Books, New York [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women's Wheel of Life by Carol Leonard with Elizabeth Davis. Viking Penguin. Women's lives from birth, through menstruation, mothering, menopause, aging. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker



To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • The 4th Procedure by Sidney Pottinger. A suspenseful mystery involving a member of Congress, a Supreme Court Judge, a brilliant surgeon and a civil rights attorney. Includes behind the scenes political strategies and connections.[buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Amendment by Sue Robinson. 1990. Suspenseful story about a First Lady who leads the Rights for the Unborn League and what happens after they are successful at making abortion illegal. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Cider House Rules by John Irving. Now a movie. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • There is a Bomb in Gilead by m&m Press of Fayetteville, Arkansas. A fictional exploration of antiabortion violence and religious fundamentalism. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]


Humor / Cartoon / Parody

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In Association with


Breast Health & Breast Cancer

To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer by W. John Diamond, MD and W. Lee Cowden, MD with Burton Goldberg. 1997. Future Medicine Publishing. How cancer can be reversed and prevented. Explains origin of cancer. Chapters on breast and uterine/ovarian cancer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]
  • Breast Cancer: Poisons, Profits, and Prevention by Liane Clorfene-Casten. Reveals the links between the companies who produce toxic chemicals, their support for breast cancer organizations, and their profits from other chemicals they also produce for cancer therapies. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Breast Cancer: Society shapes an epidemic. By Anne S. Kasper and Susan Ferguson (editors). St. Martins Press. Examines how economics, politics, gender, social class, and race-ethnicity have deeply influenced the science behind breast cancer research, spurred the growth of a breast cancer industry, generated media portrayals of women with the disease, and defined and influenced women's experiences with breast cancer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Cancer as a Woman's Issue: Scratching the Surface by Midge Stocker. 20 essays by women affected by cancer. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Cancer in Two Voices. By Sandra Butler and Barbara Rosenblum. Spinsters Inc. 1991. An honest and moving memoir, written with humor and sorrow, by a sociologist who had breast cancer and her lover. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Dr. Susan Love's Breast Care Book. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Patient No More: The Politics of Breast Cancer by Sharon Batt. 1994. The politics behind research and treatment options - in very human terms. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Stopping Cancer at the Source by M. Sara Rosenthal, 2001. This book outlines many of the environmental causes of cancer, and discusses how the public can lobby government for change to reduce exposure to known carcinogens produced by industry. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • To Dance with the Devil: The New War on Breast Cancer by Karen Stabiner. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • A Woman's Decision by Karen Berger and John Bostwick. 1994. An informative look at breast cancer, self exam and prevention, mastectomies and reconstructive surgery. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women's Cancers: How to Prevent Them, How to Treat Them, How to Beat Them by Kerry McGinn, RN and Pamela Haylock, RN. From cell-level descriptions of cancer to overviews of the physical and psychological responses to cancer, this book covers breast, pelvic, ovarian, uterine,and rare gynecological cancers. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]



To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • Dr. Susan Love's Hormone Book by Susan M. Love, MD and Karen Lindsey. 1997. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Each in Her Own Way, Women Writing on the Menopause. Edited by Elizabeth Claman. 1994. Queen of Swords Press, Eugene, Oregon. Anthology of poetry and prose about the change of life. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Endocrinology of Women by José Botella-Llusiá MD. Translated from Spanish. 1978. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Estrogen: The Natural Way by Nina Shandler. Villard Books. 1997. All about phytoestrogens, including 250 recipes. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Healthy Bones: What You Should Know about Osteoporosis by Nancy Appleton. 1991. Avery Publishing. The author looks to the causes of why calcium is drawn out of bones and foods to balance our body's chemistry. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Hysterectomy Hoax by Stanley West and Paula Dranov. 1994. Explains why most hysterectomies are unnecessary. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause Handbook. Published by the Montreal Health Press. (Canada) updated and revised 1999. Hormones, alternatives, basic information about changes, social analysis. In English or French. 877-282-1171 (toll free) , 514-282-1171

  • Menopause Myths & Facts - What Every Woman Should Know About Hormone Replacement Therapy by Lorraine Rothman with Marcia Wexler. 1999. Published by Feminist Health Press. Identifies 26 myths and gives easy-to-understand facts and explanations. Lorraine Rothman is a co-founder of Los Angeles (CA) FWHC where Marcia also worked.  Available here.

  • New Menopausal Years, The Wise Woman Way: Alternative Approaches for Women
    by Susun S. Weed
    . Ash Tree Publishing.  Nutritional, herbal, and ritual ideas for healthier transition years. Natural safe remedies for all symptoms. Read article by Susun Weed.

  • The Menopause Industry - How the Medical Establishment Exploits Women by Sandra Koney. Forward by Barbara Seaman. 1994. The title says it all. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause by Miriam Stoppard, MD. Dorling Kindersley Publishing. 1994. A thorough explanation with colorful charts. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause, A Positive Approach by Rosetta Reitz. Penguin Books. 1985. Reitz's personal exploration of women's middle years. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause: A Guide for Women and Men Who Love Them by Winfred B. Cuttler, PhD and Celso-Ramon Garcia, MD. Norton. 1992. Well researched, highly detailed wealth of information. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause and Midlife Health by Morris Notelovitz, MD and Diana Tonnessen. St. Martin's Press. 1993. Accurate and up to date info on osteoporosis, lifestyle habits, hormone therapies, gynecological procedures. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Menopause, Me and You: The Sound of Women Pausing by Ann M. Voda, RN, PhD. Haworth Press. 1997. Menopause as a normal and natural developmental process in the lives of women, not a disorder, not a disease needing treatment. A personal memoir woven into a scholarly work. [buy here!]

  • Menopause Naturally: Preparing for the Second Half of Life by Sadja Greenwood. Volcano Press, 1996. Exciting new discoveries about soybeans, the complete source of protein, and menopausal health. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Mind over Menopause: The complete Mind/Body Approach to Coping with Menopause by Leslee Kagan, Bruce Kessel and Herbert Benson, 2004. This book will be a breath of fresh air for many women coping with some of the more problematic changes that can accompany the "peri-menopause. ... However the section on breast cancer screening is weak..." says Judy Norsigian in the newsletter of the National Women's Health Network. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Noisy Passage, Baby Boomers Do Menopause by Marie Evans and Ann Shakeshaft. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Power of Peri-Menopause by Stephanie Bender. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Osteoporosis: My High Calcium, Low Cholesterol Diet by Rosemary C. Fisher. Published by Warren H. Green, Inc. Rosemary reversed her own osteoporosis by diet and exercise. Her books give the recipes and instructions.

  • Ourselves Growing Older, Women Aging with Knowledge and Power, by Paula B. Doress-Worters and Diana Laskin Siegal of the Boston Women's Health Book Collective. 1994. A complete health and life handbook for midlife and older women. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Recipes and Research on Dementia, Hearth Disease, Osteoporosis, and Cancer by Rosemary C. Fisher. Published by Warren H. Green, Inc. Reduce the effects of these diseases with diet. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Recipes and Research on Osteoporosis,, Hearth Disease, and Cancer by Rosemary C. Fisher. Published by Warren H. Green, Inc. Shows how eating low fat plus essential vitamins and minerals can reverse disease. Proven by her own and her husband's health changes. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Screaming to be Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect ... and Doctors Ignore by Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD. M. Evans, Publisher. 1995.   Outstanding, thorough, in-depth review of all menopausal symptoms, cause of symptoms, natural ways to achieve nutritional, emotional, hormonal balance. Extremely valuable book. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Silent Passage: Menopause by Gail Sheehey. Random House. 1991. Good overview and learning from other women's stories.[buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Taking Charge of Menopause Workbook by Dosh, Fukushima, Lewis, Ross, and Steinmen. New Harbinger Publications. Interactive workbook by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors and therapists. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Taking Hormones and Women's Health: Choices, Risks, and Benefits. 1998. a pamphlet published by the National Women's Health Network in Washington, DC. 202-347-1140

  • Transformation Through Menopause by Marian Van Eyk McCain. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Women and the Crisis in Sex Hormones by Barbara Seaman and Gideon Seaman, MD. 1977. a classic, now out of print.

  • Women at the Well: The Many Voices of Menopause - available through Xlibris by calling 888-795-4274.While hundreds of books have been written by experts and doctors about symptoms and treatments, Women at the Well is unique in that it is simply woman to woman. The authors are available for speaking engagements by calling 215-424-3190 or 215-741-1828.

  • "Power Surge"  website featuring online chats, AOL's Women's Interest Channel, Community Conference Online, regularly scheduled chat guests. Also weekly talks with naturopaths, authors and doctors.


Non-Sexist Parenting:

To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • Free to Be ... You and Me by Marlo Thomas and Friends. Running Press. New 1999 Edition. Class children's book that emphasizes growing up human, whatever color, sex or appearance. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Flight of the Stork: What Children Think (And When) About Sex and Family Building by Anne Bernstein. "Children three and four years old do raise questions. By the time they are three or four, there are five things they need to know," including the proper names of sexual body parts; the essential differences between boys and girls; the right terminology for some bodily functions; the fact that babies grow in their mothers' bodies; and the concept that babies are produced by mothers and fathers together. Bernstein adds that between ages four and eight, children should understand the sexual functions of the penis, vagina, sperm and egg. If by age eight a child has not yet asked sexual questions, parents should take the initiative to discuss sex with them, as psychologists agree that children taught about sex at an earlier age may make better sexual decisions." [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]



To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls. By Joan Jacobs Brumberg. Random House, 1997. This award-winning book by historian Joan Jacobs Brumberg convincingly argues that controlling our bodies through dieting, surgery, and exercise is now considered a moral imperative and has become the central goal of American girls. A scary and essential book. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Girls Think of Everything by Catherine Thimmesh. Houghton Mifflin. 2000. Inventions by girls and women. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Going All the Way: Teenage girls' tales of sex, romance and pregnancy by Sharon Thompson.

  • Flight of the Stork: What Children Think (And When) About Sex and Family Building by Anne Bernstein. "Children three and four years old do raise questions. By the time they are three or four, there are five things they need to know," including the proper names of sexual body parts; the essential differences between boys and girls; the right terminology for some bodily functions; the fact that babies grow in their mothers' bodies; and the concept that babies are produced by mothers and fathers together. Bernstein adds that between ages four and eight, children should understand the sexual functions of the penis, vagina, sperm and egg. If by age eight a child has not yet asked sexual questions, parents should take the initiative to discuss sex with them, as psychologists agree that children taught about sex at an earlier age may make better sexual decisions." [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Let’s Talk About S-E-X - A Guide for Kids 9-to-12 and their Parents by Sam Gitchel & Lorrie Foster. Updated and published in 2005 by Book Peddlers. A discussion of feelings, what’s normal, body changes, making sense of love and sex, STDs and more. A big help for parents who don’t know where to start. ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH.

  • Pemba Sherpa (Written by Olga Cossi, published by Odyssey Books in Colorado). This is a true story of the first female sherpa who later was the first female to summit Mount Everest from it's North Face. It is an empowering book of the female spirit overcoming in the form of a little girl who saves a life but also triumphs in a culture where the idea of a female sherpa (porter and guide) was not accepted. She died in a tragic accident on May 21, 2007 while on her way down after summitting Lhotse.

  • Period. A Girl's Guide - by JoAnn Loulan and Bonnie Worthen. Published in 2003 by Book Peddlers. Updated coming-of-age guide for girls. Pullout Guide for Parents (excerpt online). ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH.



To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • For Yourself and For Each Other by Lonnie Barbach. Teaches women to understand their bodies leading to orgasm, alone or with a partner. [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • Going All the Way: Teenage girls' tales of sex, romance and pregnancy by Sharon Thompson.

  • Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Judith Levine. 2000. Foreword by Dr. Joycelyn M. Elders. A radical, refreshing, and long overdue reassessment of how we think and act about children's and teens' sexuality.
  • Love Sick: One Woman’s Journey Through Sexual Addiction by Sue William Silverman (W. W. Norton), "In Love Sick, I reveal how my sexual addiction was a misguided search for love--a result of childhood incest."

  • Sex, Time and Power: How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution by Leonard Shlain, author the bestselling Art & Physics and The Alphabet Versus the Goddess. Why did big-brained Homo sapiens suddenly emerge some 150,000 years ago? In this provocative new book, Shlain argues that profound alterations in female sexuality hold the key to this mystery.

  • The Technology of Orgasm; "Hysteria," the Vibrator & Women's Sexual Satisfaction by Rachel P. Maines. Published by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Dec. 1998 [buy from powell's . buy from amazon]

  • The Whole Lesbian Sex Book A Passionate Guide For All of Us by Felice Newman - The first truly comprehensive sex guide for all women who desire women-covers all aspects of lesbian sex. Whether you are lesbian, bisexual, butch, femme, androgynous, or transgendered-and even if you have only just discovered that you want to have sex with a woman.


To purchase a book, follow these links and FWHC receives a percentage.

In Association with
  • A Not Entirely Benign Procedure: Four Years as a Medical Student. By Perri Klass. G.P. Putnam’s, 1987. Klass, a writer and pediatrician, describes her experiences as a medical student. Along the way, she explains how doctors learn to view pregnancy and childbirth as dangerous pathological events, rather than as natural processes, to value emotional detachment from patients, and to expect patients to accept their orders meekly.

  • Midwifery and Childbirth in America. By Judith Rooks. Temple University Press, 1997. A comprehensive (hence the price) review of the history, legal status, scientific data, and current practices regarding childbirth in America. Covers medical care, nurse-midwives, and non-nurse midwives.



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excerpt from the book, Abortion Counseling - "In the final analysis, it is important to remember that abortion counseling is not about abortion—it is about women confronting the decision to bear a child, with all of the profound and life changing commitments and responsibilities that entails."


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"I pledge allegiance to the Earth, and to the flora, fauna and human life that it supports, one planet, indivisible, with safe air, water and soil, economic justice, equal rights and peace for all."
-Women's Environment and Development Organization

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