Voices For Choices

The song says, I am woman hear me roar
The voices say, I am woman let me soar
Reaching across the nation
Hope and tears of anticipation
To the great skies that were meant to be
A life of freedom and reality, a life of choices
A nation with many voices.

Who speaks for me, with and to me
Who chooses what is right for me and mine
To faith and prosperity
Only God controls my destiny
My body, my mind and soul depends
My choices, my voices that speak for me
Whether right or wrong I will remain strong
Fighting for what I believe in.

The right to bare voice of
Freedom for Pro-Choice.

Alberta Morrison: A voice that reaches out is heard. This poem shows how proud I am to be a Black Woman, strong and free to make choices in my life.
January 2002


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"And so our mothers and grandmothers have, more often than not anonymously, handed on the creative spark, the seed of the flower they themselves never hoped to see -- or like a sealed letter they could not plainly read."
- Alice Walker

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